Snacks in Kindergarten
Last week students built a beanstalk with a structure strong enough to support a golden egg.
Last week I posted a lot of clarifying information about snacks in our classroom. If you weren't able to read last week's post please scroll down and read it. A couple more notes:
1) Thank you for all the fresh snacks that have been coming in, the students have been really enjoying them. You can use this Fresh Snack Calendar to sign up to bring something fresh like carrots or clementine oranges that I will serve to all students the day that you bring them in.
2) We have no students with nut allergies in our classroom at this time. You need to send in a 'home snack' every day and you are welcome to send in snacks that include nuts for your child's home snack (nuts in their lunch are fine too).
Start With Hello Week
To promote kindness at school we have been participating in Start with Hello Week. Students said 'hello' and learned the names of other students at school. We hid kindness bracelets and made sure no one sat alone at lunch. This week Mr. Peace, a motivational speaker from Detroit, is coming in for an assembly on kindness, empathy, and bullying. Have students wear blue on Monday to show kindness.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Over email I sent out a sign up for late October Parent/Teacher conferences. If you can't find the time you need, no problem, just email me.
Nurse Laura Galia
We have an excellent nurse here at A2STEAM. Last week she sent a notification about an illness in our classroom. I also noticed that other kids had some run-of-the-mill colds and coughs. I will be working really hard to make sure kids are: giving each other personal space, using hand sanitizer, and washing hands. If you want to get some disinfecting wipes for our classroom it could be helpful, we have been using those regularly to clean surfaces.
Volunteer Form
If you would like to volunteer at school, or chaperone a field trip, I need you to fill out this form. You can return it to me or the office. If you filled out the form last year you need to fill out again but you can use last year's status while we wait for the form to be processed.
Curriculum Overview
Science - We are working on a Project Lead The Way (PLTW) module on structure and function. Structure refers to the way something is built, including shape, size, and the way the different parts work together (for example, a chair has four legs, a seat, and a back). Function is what something does or is intended to do (the function of a chair is to give people a place to sit). Last week students read Jack and Beanstalk and used ten pipe cleaners to try to construct a beanstalk that could support a golden egg. This week we will read The Three Little Pigs and build houses from different materials.
Reading - This week we will be reading books and stories, both fiction and non-fiction, to support our Project Lead The Way unit on structure and function (see above).
Writing - We will be doing some writing around our Project Lead The Way unit on structure and function. This week they will also write about their hopes and dreams for the school year.
Math - Our focus this week is understanding what mathematical attributes define squares, rectangles, triangles, and circles.
Word Study - This week we will study the spelling of our names and look for similarities in our names like matching beginning sounds and spelling patterns.
Thank you so much for all of the fresh snacks! |