Monday, May 27, 2019

Consider Donating to Color Fun Run!

The vertical garden is still growing and it has been needing an impressive amount of water.  It is amazing that our school is able to fund projects like this garden.

Color Fun Run
Please consider donating to the Color Fun Run fundraiser.  The money helps our school provide an excellent academic experience for kids.  Even a small donation of $5 helps our work.  To donate you can send in a check in an envelope and write ROOM K-3/LUXON on the envelope.  You also create an online fundraising page here.

This flyer has a bit more information.  I also wrote about the Color Fun Run in last week's blog post.

The principals are challenging the school with these incentives: $20,000 - Principals on the Roof for a day!, $18,000 - Mrs. Stidham dyes her hair blue!  $15,000 - Mrs. Fenech gets duct taped to the wall!  $10,000 - Mr. Hatt wears a crazy wig for the day.

Thursday, June 6th, Library BOGO Book Sale
Ms. Reader is having a buy one, get one book fair on Thursday June 6th.  More information can be found here.

NWEA Testing
This week students will be taking the NWEA assessment test.  We will take a manageable portion at a time, if a student misses a day makeups are no problem.  Just remind your children to their best and try their hardest.  We will not take the NWEA on days that I am out (see below), or during the Color Fun Run.  Most students finished the reading portion of the exam last week.  I believe we will start up again on Wednesday of this week with the math portion.

Mr. Luxon Out for Training on May 28th.
I am out for science training on Tuesday, May 28th.  Ms. Thomas will be teaching in my place. 

Spirit Week is This Week
Here are the themes for each day:
5/28 - Career Day (dress like a job you’d like to have when you grow up)
5/29 - Swap Day (teachers dress like students, students dress like teachers)
5/30 - Classroom Challenge - Wear Superhero Shirts
5/31 - Spirit Day (School and/or Color Run/Field Day gear)

Curriculum Overview
Science -  We are continuing our study of weather.  Students will be observing the weather, watching the temperature and recording their observations.  We are trying to find patterns in the weather we've seen this year.  We are also trying to understand why meteorologists study weather.

Reading -  We will read some fiction books where we watch character's feelings change across the text.  This is something you can discuss at home when you are reading fiction books with your kids.

Writing - Students will record weather observations and write about what they find.

Math - Students are learning about addition with multiple addends and how to look for a ten fact to help you.  (i.e. 2 + 5 + 5 = 12).

Word Study - We are studying synonyms and antonyms as well as vowel sounds.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Color Fun Run is Next Week!

Students really enjoyed the bowling field trip.  I posted many more photos and videos to Seesaw.
Half Day This Wednesday
This Wednesday, May 22nd is a half day.  Students will be dismissed at 12:52 PM.  We do eat lunch like normal on half days so be sure to still send lunch!

NWEA Testing
This week and next students will be taking the NWEA reading and math assessment test.  We will take a manageable portion at a time, if a student misses a day makeups are no problem.  Just remind your children to their best and try their hardest.  We will not take the NWEA on days that I am out (see below), or during the Color Fun Run (also see below).  I believe we will start on Wednesday of this week.

No School Monday, May 27th
There is no school Monday, May 27th in observance of Memorial Day.

Mr. Luxon Out for Training on May 23rd and May 28th.
I am out for science training this Thursday, May 23rd as well as Tuesday, May 28th.  Ms. Thomas will be teaching in my place.  We will not have any NWEA testing on those days.

Spirit Week is Next Week
Here are the themes for each day:
5/28 - Career Day (dress like a job you’d like to have when you grow up)
5/29 - Swap Day (teachers dress like students, students dress like teachers)
5/30 - Classroom Challenge - Wear Superhero Shirts
5/31 - Spirit Day (School and/or Color Run/Field Day gear)

Color Fun Run
The third annual Color Fun Run fundraiser is scheduled for Friday, May 31st.  The Color Fun Run is a mini-marathon for students where they can run laps to earn money for the school's Parent Teacher Organization.  While they run, color cornstarch is thrown in the air marking their laps.  If you would like to donate you can create an online fundraising page here.  If you would not like to create an online fundraising page, please bring any donations in an enclosed envelope to the PTO drop box. Please include your child's name and write ROOM K-3/LUXON on the envelope. Make checks payable to: A2 STEAM at Northside PTO.  If you would like to volunteer and help out with this event please sign up here.  The money raised is used for many great things that directly benefit students like our field trips and some of our EXPO projects.  Some additional Color Fun Run questions are answered here.

Thursday, June 6th, Library BOGO Book Sale
Ms. Reader is having a buy one, get one book fair on Thursday June 6th.  More information can be found here.

Curriculum Overview
Science -  We are continuing our study of weather.  Students will be observing the weather, watching the temperature and recording their observations.  We are trying to find patterns in the weather we've seen this year.  We are also trying to understand why meteorologists study weather.

Reading -  This week we will be reading more non-fiction books about weather.  We will also read some fiction books where we watch character's feelings change across the text.

Writing - Students will record weather observations and write about what they find.

Math - Students are working at understanding graphs and pictographs.  We are also learning a little bit about reading analog clocks.

Word Study - We are studying synonyms and antonyms.

Monday, May 13, 2019

Volunteer Breakfast This Friday

Ms. Thomas shows students how to use different strategies to solve difficult words when reading.

Volunteer Breakfast This Friday
A2STEAM is hosting a breakfast this Friday morning for any and all volunteers.  If you have helped out in class, on a field trip, or with Motor Moms and Dads you are invited!  More information can be found here.

Field Trip this Thursday
We have our field trip this Thursday to study pushes and pulls at Maple Wood Lanes.  More information here.  Make sure kids are wearing clothes they can bowl and eat pizza in.

Mr. Luxon Out This Friday
This Friday I will be out of the classroom most of the day meeting with students who will start kindergarten next fall.  Fortunately, Ms. Thomas will still be here teaching in Room K-3!

Teacher Appreciation Week
We had quite a week last week.  The teachers at A2STEAM feel very appreciated.  Thank you!

Curriculum Overview
Science -  We are beginning a study of weather.  We will be observing the weather, watching the temperature and learning about the different types of clouds.  We are trying to find patterns in the weather we've seen this year.  Ask your students about cumulus clouds (large puffy white clouds) and stratus clouds (like a gray blanket).

Reading -  Last week we compared and contrasted different fairy tales.  Ask your students about The  Three Little Javelinas.  This week we will be reading non-fiction books about weather.

Writing - Students will write their own simple version of the Three Little Pigs.

Math - Students are working at understanding graphs and pictographs.

Word Study - We are finishing up our study of simple contractions. (I'm / I am,  we'll / we will,  that's / that i) 

We've been teaching students these strategies to use when they are trying to figure out unknown words in their reading.  In the book at the bottom of the picture many students were initially thrown off by the word 'baby'.

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Volunteers Needed For Field Trip

Students are working on recording videos of themselves explaining the machines they designed to push or pull rocks.
Volunteers Needed for May 16th Field Trip
If you are interested in joining us for our pushes and pulls field tip to Maple Wood Lanes please send me an email.  We would need your help at Maple Wood Lanes on Thursday, May 16th from 10 AM to 12:30 PM.  More information here.

May 8th - Bike/Walk to School
May 8th is an official Walk & Bike to School Day. More information can be found here.  They need volunteers too.

Curriculum Overview
Science -  We are beginning a study of weather.  We will be observing the weather, watching the temperature and learning about the different types of clouds.  We are trying to find patterns in the weather we've seen this year.

Reading -  This week we will be comparing and contrasting different fairy tales.  Fairy tales usually have: animals acting like people, a group of 3, a villain, and a message for readers.

Writing - Students will write their own simple version of the Three Little Pigs.

Math - Students are learning about fractions especially halves, quarters, and thirds. 

Word Study - We are studying simple contractions. (I'm / I am,  we'll / we will,  that's / that i)