Sunday, December 4, 2016

Constructing Houses

After reading the Three Little Pigs students worked to construct houses that can withstand wind.  Find more photos in the photo gallery.
Home Reading Book Bags
Tomorrow I will send home, with each student, a blue and clear baggie of home reading books. These are simple books that are matched to your child’s reading level.  The goal should be that your child reads the books for 5 to 10 minutes each night, 5 nights a week.  You should be there to help them read and they should point to the words as they read.  Bring the books back on Monday for a new set.

Thank you last week for sending in shoes when your child wears boots to school in the morning.  It helps in class and especially when students visit Ms. Lewit in the gym. 

Book Fair
Thanks for coming to our book fair.  Your purchases raised $6,000 for our school!

Curriculum Overview

Science - After reading The Three Little Pigs students began using different materials to build a model of a house that can withstand wind.  This week we will evaluate the houses we built by exposing them to a high-powered fan.  We will also design and use our own paintbrush.

Reading -  We have been reading fairy tales as part of our Project Lead the Way unit on structure and function.  As we read we will also look at the literacy aspects of a fairy tale: animals take the roles of people, there are often three characters who work together in some way, and there is usually a villain causing problems.

Writing - Students are writing about the different experiences they have with our Project Lead The Way unit on structure and function.  They will be sketching and writing about the beanstalk they build, as well as the house they construct.  When we are not writing about science we will list out kind words (please, thank you, excuse me) and compose pieces recording some of the acts of kindness in our classroom.

Math - Even though I had planned to do it last week, this week the students will survey the class and make a graph showing the favorite colors of their classmates.  We will also develop a foundation for fractions by looking at the different ways to break up a hexagon.

Word Study - We are learning how to read and write simple 3 letter words.  This week we will look at the -ug word family.

This is the book bag that went home with students today.

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