Monday, February 6, 2017

New Weather Unit to Begin This Week

After our study of forces students designed machines that could move rocks.
Hope you had a great Super Bowl weekend.

Start with a Hello Week
This week the STEAM Punk club is leading in us in different activities to make sure everyone feels welcome and valued hear at STEAM.  On Monday we will practice our greetings, on Tuesday we will all wear name tags and greet each other by name.  On Wednesday we will make sure everyone has an eating partner in the lunchroom.  On Thursday we will practice random acts of kindness.  On Friday we will all wear green to show support of this initiative.

Pasta for Pennies

This donation driver ends Friday, please bring in what you have as soon as you can this week!

Zap Zone Fun Night
The A2STEAM PTO is holding a fun night at Zap Zone this Thursday.  More information can be found on the PTO website.

NAAPID Parent Involvement Day is Monday, February 13th
In honor of National African American Parent Involvement Day (NAAPID) we invite ALL parents, guardians and adult family members to visit A2STEAM.  Please consider spending an hour or the entire day with our classroom and school! This day is a celebration of the importance of family in a child’s education.  This flyer has the complete schedule and more information.

Curriculum Overview
Science - We are starting a new EXPO project this week where students will study weather and weather patterns!

Math - In math we are studying addition and understanding what the + symbol means.  We will also be comparing numbers using terms like ‘greater than’, ‘less than’ and ‘equals to’ and discussing the symbols that correspond to those words. 

Literacy - We will be reading non-fiction books to help us begin to learn about weather and meteorologists.

Writing - This week we are practicing sounding out unknown words.

Word Study - We are studying, and learning to hear short vowel sounds.

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