Monday, June 4, 2018

Where Am I? Students to begin studying maps this week!

Students have been building with these unique blocks at recess.  We tried to stay in the shade.

It is supposed to be a cooler this week! 

Color Fun Run
Because we were one of the top three classes, we will have our ice cream party this Friday.

Ziploc Book Bags
Please bring back your Home Reading book bags so I can use them with students next year. 

Final Day of School
The last day of school is Friday, June 15th.  That day is a very short day, students will be dismissed at 10:54 AM.  All backpacks for all students, grades K-8, need to stay at home.  Do not send in any backpacks, lunches, or snacks.  Report cards will come home on that day in the manila folder.  I do not need the manila folder back this time.

Curriculum Overview
Science - Students will be studying and learning how to read maps.  We will look at and interpret maps of our school, the Northside Neighborhood, Ann Arbor, the State of Michigan, the United States, and the world.

Math - This week we will be playing subtraction poker and doing some assessment around 2D and 3D shapes.

Literacy - We are reading fiction books, analyzing the feelings of characters, and seeing how those feelings change across the story.  Ask your students about The Dot and Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse.

Writing - We will be writing letters to dad for Father's day this week.

Word Study - This week students are working on different word sorts aligned with their academic next steps.  The sorts they are working on include plural words (leaf to leaves) strong r words (i.e. star, car), and blends like sk- (i.e. skeleton).

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