Monday, February 8, 2016

A2STEAM Used Book Sale After Break

Students modeled 3D shapes with playdough.  We studied spheres, cylinders, cubes, cones, and pyramids.
Hello!  There is a lot for this week:

A2STEAM Used Book Sale
This year at A2 STEAM we will be having our first-ever Used Book Sale in conjunction with the Heritage Festival on Saturday, March 12! Please start gathering your used books and other materials to ready them for donation! The Media Center will begin accepting donations to the sale Wednesday, February 24th through Tuesday, March 8th.  For more information on what donations we are accepting and how you can volunteer please check out this flyer.

Valentine’s Day Cards
Don’t forget to work on those valentines cards.  Students will pass them out this Friday, February 12th.

Pedestrian Safety

Officer Tom Hickey will be speaking to our students Tuesday morning at an assembly regarding pedestrian safety. This was organized to support our goals of the Safe Routes to School program and our very own A2Steam Traffic Brigade.  We have been concerned all year about student safety as they walk to school and exit their cars.  We are looking forward to teaching our students some important safety tips.

District Wide STEAM Expo
The Ann Arbor School District is hosting a district wide STEAM Expo at the Pioneer High School Annex on Wednesday, February 24th from 6PM to 8PM.  The kindergarten team wanted to showcase some of our weather work from our November Expo.  I was wondering if there were a few Room K-3 families who would be interested in attending the District Expo to present what we learned.  It is a two hour interval, but we wouldn't want you to stay the whole time.  Email me if you are interested.

Curriculum Overview

Science - As a conclusion to our forces, pushes, and pulls work we are designing a machine that can move rocks.  Our next unit will be a life sciences study of plants and animals—more to come.

Math - This week we are studying the measurement of length using both standard (inches and centimeters) and non-standard (blocks, paperclips, etc.) units.

Literacy - We are reading books and tracking how character’s feeling change throughout a story.  We will also read some Valentines books.  Ask you students about Julius the Baby of the World.

Writing - To compliment our study of what makes a complete sentence we are studying ending punctuation, the period, question mark, and exclamation mark.

Word Study - Identifying the vowel sounds found in simple words.  This week we will continue work on short vowels with a new sort.
Send in your home reading book bag for new books this week!

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