Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Sorting Words By Their Vowel Sounds

As part of our vowel study students are sorting words pictures by vowel sound; in this case short a and short e words. 
On the left you have: bat, jam, fan, man, rat, and hat.  On the right you have: net, sled, bread, bed, nest, and leg.
Hi, here is the update for this week:

Parent Involvement Day is Monday February 8th
In honor of National African American Parent Involvement Day (NAAPID) we invite ALL parents, guardians and adult family members to visit A2 STEAM.  Please consider spending an hour or the entire day with our classroom and school! This day is a celebration of the importance of family in a child’s education.  This flyer has the complete schedule and more information.

Homework Sheets For February
A packet of practice activities for February will go home with students tomorrow.  The cover sheet is a calendar which guides you as to which activity to complete on which day.

Valentine’s Day Cards
Don’t forget to work on those valentines cards.  Students will pass them out on Friday, February 12th.

Curriculum Overview
Science - As a conclusion to our forces, pushes, and pulls work we are designing a machine that can move rocks.

Math - In math we are studying addition and understanding what the equals (=) symbol means.  We will also be studying 3 dimensional shapes and there attributes: cubes, spheres, cylinders, pyramids, cones, and rectangular prisms.

Literacy - We are reading books and tracking how character’s feeling change throughout a story.  Ask you students about Owl Babies and Big Al.

Writing - To compliment our study of what makes a complete sentence we are studying ending punctuation, the period, question mark, and exclamation mark.

Word Study - Identifying the vowel sounds found in each word.  This week we will continue work on short vowels. See the photo at the top.

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