Monday, October 3, 2016

Please Sign Up for Fall Conferences

Students created posters to teach the class about themselves and their interests.
Principal Fitzgibbon's Blog
I wanted you to know that Principal Fitzgibbon has her own blog where she shares information about the school.  You can view it at  It is also permanently linked on the right side of this website. 

Parent Teacher Conferences
Last Wednesday I sent out a link where you can sign up for parent teacher conferences.  A2STEAM is hosting conferences on Monday, November 7th, I also have additional slots open on Thursday the 10th and Friday the 11th.  If you haven't already, please sign up for a time slot here.

Curriculum Overview

STEAM Project - As you can see in the photo above last week students created posters to teach the rest of the class about who they are.  We also reviewed the family photos you sent in to help each student tell their story a little bit more.  This week students will begin going out into to the school to photograph and 'interview' adults at STEAM like Principal Fitzgibbon, Assistant Principal Broom, and the different special areas teachers.  We will take their photos and make them posters as well.  Our overall goal is for students to learn about all the people at STEAM and demonstrate how to create a safe, respectful, and responsible school community. 

Reading - This week students will beginning identifying the characters in fiction books, including understanding which character would be considered the main character.

Writing - Students have been practicing the steps necessary to capture and communicate their experiences using drawing and writing.  They will also write about the adults at STEAM for our current project.

Math - Our focus this week is learning to recognize and describe two-dimensional shapes and understanding what attributes define squares, rectangles, triangles, and circles.

Word Study - This week we will study the spelling of our names and look similarities in our names like matching beginning sounds and spelling patterns.

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