Monday, October 10, 2016

STEAM PTSO Launches Annual Fundraising Drive

Students used their iPads to help them with their self portraits.
Supporting Education A2 STEAM @ Northside Annual Drive
The A2STEAM PTSO has started our school's annual fundraising drive.  The goal is to raise money to help the school fund field trips, student projects, and classroom projects.  The PTSO is a great support to the work we do at STEAM.  If you can help an informational sheet and collection envelope went home last week.  You can also visit the PTSO website for more information.

Walk To School Day
Walk to School Day is this Thursday, October 13th!  This is a great day to get some family exercise first thing in the morning.  This flyer has more information.  Even if you live far away there are drop-off locations that you can walk from.

Box Tops for Education
We are having a school-wide Box Tops For Education collection contest.  If you find any box top cut-outs on your groceries please bring them in.  If possible put them in a plastic bag and write "Mr. Luxon, Room K-3” on the outside.

Photo Gallery
There are many new photos in our classroom photo gallery this week, I sent the username and password to you via email.

Principal Fitzgibbon's Blog
I wrote this last week but I wanted to share it again.  Principal Fitzgibbon has her own blog where she shares information about the school.  You can view it here.  It is also permanently linked on the right side of this website. 

Parent Teacher Conferences
Please sign up for a Parent Teacher conference.  A2STEAM is hosting conferences on Monday November 7th, I also have additional slots open on Thursday the 10th and Friday the 11th.  If you haven't already, please sign up for a time slot here.

Curriculum Overview
STEAM Project - Students have been 'interviewing' the adults at STEAM.  Ask your kids about Mrs. Patterson, Mrs. Dutton, and Mrs. Reader.  Our overall goal is for students to learn about all the people at STEAM and demonstrate how to create a safe, respectful, and responsible school community. 

Reading - This week students will be identifying the characters in fiction books, including understanding which character would be considered the main character.  We will also begin discussing the setting of each book.  These are things you can do when you read at home as well.

Writing - Students have been practicing the steps necessary to capture and communicate their experiences using drawing and writing.  They will also write about the adults at STEAM for our current project.

Math - This week we will be exploring simple addition and subtraction.

Word Study - This week we practice hearing and counting syllables in words.

Last week at recess students tried out these stilts!

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