Sunday, December 18, 2016

Designing Paintbrushes

After studying different kinds of paintbrushes, students drew up possible new paintbrush designs and then constructed one of their ideas.
Hello, keep sending in those warm snow clothes.  This week is Spirit Week and there is no school on Friday.

School-Wide Spirit Week Is This Week
This final week before winter break is a school-wide spirit week planned by the student council.  Here is the rundown:

Monday, December 19th - Hat Day or Crazy Hair Day, your choice!

Tuesday, December 20th - Students Dress Like Teachers/Teachers Dress Like Students!

Wednesday December 21st - Pajama Day - Again!  Your students were really well-behaved with their stuffed animals last Friday, so I am happy to do this again.

Thursday December 22nd - Sweater Day.  The student council didn't want to call it holiday sweater, or funky sweater, just sweater. 

Curriculum Overview
Science - We have been studying the design, structure, and function of different paintbrushes (visit the Room K-3 Photo Gallery and our twitter feed to more).  Last week students constructed a paintbrush.  This week they will evaluate their model by painting with the brush they created.

Reading -  We have been reading fairy tales as part of our Project Lead the Way unit on structure and function.  Ask your students about The Three Bears, and the The Little Red Hen.  This week we will also read Gingerbread Man fairy tales and compare and contrast different versions.

Writing - This week students will attempt to write and type a sentence about their paintbrush into Seesaw.

Math - This week we will learn about weight.  We also have been playing greater than and less than poker.

Word Study - This week we are studying the -ing word family (ring, sing, swing).  We will also examine how -ing can be used as a suffix.

Sunday, December 11, 2016

I’ll Huff and I’ll Puff

After constructing model houses using bricks, sticks, straw, and clay, we evaluated the sturdiness of each house (the fan is on high!).
Warm Clothes
To help us focus on our schoolwork we go outside for recess each and everyday to take breaks.  The only days we will stay in will be when the temperature is below zero degrees Fahrenheit, which does not happen often.  Make sure your kids come to school with, gloves, hats, boots, and all the clothes they need to stay warm.  Lunch recess in particular is over 20 minutes long.  If you have extra gloves and hats that can be donated to the class as spares, feel free to bring them in.

School Wide Spirit Week Starts on Monday, December 19th
The final week before winter break is a school-wide spirit week planned by the student council.  Here is the rundown:

Monday, December 19th - Hat Day or Crazy Hair Day, your choice!

Tuesday, December 20th - Students Dress Like Teachers/Teachers Dress Like Students Day!

Wednesday December 21st - Pajama Day - Again!  Your students were really well-behaved with their stuffed animals last Friday, so I am happy to do this again.

Thursday December 22nd - Sweater Day.  The student council didn't want to call it holiday sweater, or ugly sweater, just sweater.  That one's easy.

Curriculum Overview
Science - We have been studying the design, structure, and function, of different paintbrushes.  Students will design their own paintbrush this week.  Last week we also learned about how snow and snowflakes form from water vapor that freezes.  In January we will begin a unit on weather officially but the lesson on snow seemed apt to cover now.

Reading -  We have been reading fairy tales as part of our Project Lead the Way unit on structure and function.  As we continue to read fairy tales we will also look at the literary aspects of a fairy tale: animals take the roles of people, there are often three characters who work together in some way, there is usually a villain causing problems, and there is often a strong author's message or something to be learned.  Ask your students about The Three Little Pigs, and the The Three Billy Goats Gruff.

Writing - Students are writing about the different experiences they have with our Project Lead The Way unit on structure and function.  This week they will sketch out and write a proposal for the paintbrush they would like to design.  When we are not writing about science we will list out kind words (please, thank you, excuse me) and compose pieces recording some of the acts of kindness in our classroom.

Math - This week we will develop a foundation for fractions by looking at the different shapes that be made when you break up a hexagon.  For instance, a hexagon can be divided into 6 equilateral triangles.

Word Study - This week we are studying the -ing word family (ring, sing, swing).  We will also examine how -ing can be used as a suffix.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Constructing Houses

After reading the Three Little Pigs students worked to construct houses that can withstand wind.  Find more photos in the photo gallery.
Home Reading Book Bags
Tomorrow I will send home, with each student, a blue and clear baggie of home reading books. These are simple books that are matched to your child’s reading level.  The goal should be that your child reads the books for 5 to 10 minutes each night, 5 nights a week.  You should be there to help them read and they should point to the words as they read.  Bring the books back on Monday for a new set.

Thank you last week for sending in shoes when your child wears boots to school in the morning.  It helps in class and especially when students visit Ms. Lewit in the gym. 

Book Fair
Thanks for coming to our book fair.  Your purchases raised $6,000 for our school!

Curriculum Overview

Science - After reading The Three Little Pigs students began using different materials to build a model of a house that can withstand wind.  This week we will evaluate the houses we built by exposing them to a high-powered fan.  We will also design and use our own paintbrush.

Reading -  We have been reading fairy tales as part of our Project Lead the Way unit on structure and function.  As we read we will also look at the literacy aspects of a fairy tale: animals take the roles of people, there are often three characters who work together in some way, and there is usually a villain causing problems.

Writing - Students are writing about the different experiences they have with our Project Lead The Way unit on structure and function.  They will be sketching and writing about the beanstalk they build, as well as the house they construct.  When we are not writing about science we will list out kind words (please, thank you, excuse me) and compose pieces recording some of the acts of kindness in our classroom.

Math - Even though I had planned to do it last week, this week the students will survey the class and make a graph showing the favorite colors of their classmates.  We will also develop a foundation for fractions by looking at the different ways to break up a hexagon.

Word Study - We are learning how to read and write simple 3 letter words.  This week we will look at the -ug word family.

This is the book bag that went home with students today.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Structure and Function

After a reading Jack and the Beanstalk we built a model of beanstalk that can hold up a golden egg.
I hope you had a wonderful and relaxing Thanksgiving break.

When your child wears rain boots or snow boots please also send a pair of shoes with them in their backpack.  If you would like to leave an extra pair of shoes at school permanently that is fine too.

Yellow Report Card Envelope
Thank you for getting those envelopes back to me.  If you haven't already please send back the yellow envelope that was used to send home the report card.  You keep the report card, just send back the envelope.

Book Fair
As I wrote last week, A2STEAM is having a book fair, it begins tomorrow November 29th.  The book fair will be set up in the Media Center.  Preview days are Tuesday and Wednesday; Room K-3 students will visit the media center and create a wish list of books on Tuesday, November 29th.  Purchase days are Thursday and Friday.  On Friday, December 2nd, Room K-3 students can bring in money and purchase books.  If you would rather purchase books on your own you can do so on Thursday afternoon.  On Thursday, December 1st the media center will stay open after school until 6 PM. All purchases help raise money for the school.

Online Book Fair Open Now
The physical book fair that starts next week has an online component that is open now!  If you order books online it helps our school just as much as buying books in person.  Here is the link to the online book fair.

Curriculum Overview

Science - We have begun our first Project Lead The Way (PLTW) module on structure and function.  As I wrote last week, structure refers to the way something is built, including shape, size, and the way the different parts work together (for example, a chair has four legs, a seat, and a back).  Function is what something does or is intended to do (the function of a chair is to give people a place to sit).   This week students will be challenged to build different things that have a specific structure and function.  After a reading Jack and the Beanstalk we built a model of beanstalk that can stand on it’s own and hold up a golden egg.  This week, after reading The Three Little Pigs student will use different materials to build a model of a house that can withstand wind.

Reading - This week we will begin reading books and stories, both fiction and non-fiction, to support our Project Lead The Way unit on structure and function.  This week students will read The Three Little Pigs, examine the structure of the houses in those books, and see if we can make a model of a house that can withstand severe wind.

Writing - Students will be writing about the different experiences they have with our Project Lead The Way unit on structure and function.  They will be sketching and writing about the beanstalk they build, as well as the house they construct.

Math - We will play some games to help us learn the different ways to break up ten.  The students will also survey they class and make a graph showing the favorite colors of their classmates.

Word Study - We are learning how to read and write simple 3 letter words.  This week we will look at the -ed word family.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Thank You For Coming to Our School's STEAM Expo

Students and parents look over the videos we created about being safe in the classroom.

Thank you for coming to Expo.  The students were so excited to have you there to see their work.  I hope you got a chance to visit some of the other classrooms too, every room I went to had some really intriguing work to showcase.

Thanksgiving Break
There is no school this Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday in observance of Thanksgiving.  Have a great Thanksgiving break!

Important Information About Report Cards
Report cards go home tomorrow, Tuesday, November 22nd.  They will be in a 9 x 12 yellow envelope.  The envelope needs to be signed and returned to school on Monday, November 28th.  You keep the report card.  Please do not throw out the envelope.

Welcome Back Ms. Maier
You may have noticed that we finally have Ms. Maier back in our classroom full time.  The students and I are lucky to have her.

Book Fair
A2STEAM is having a book fair, it is after Thanksgiving, beginning November 29th.  The book fair will be set up in the Media Center.  Preview days are Tuesday and Wednesday; Room K-3 students will visit the media center and create a wish list of books on Tuesday, November 29th.  Purchase days are Thursday and Friday.  On Friday, December 2nd, Room K-3 students can bring in money and purchase books.  If you would rather purchase books on your own you can do so on Thursday afternoon.  On Thursday, December 1st the media center will stay open after school until 6 PM if you want to come in to view and purchase books. All purchases help raise money for the school.

Online Book Fair Open Now
The physical book fair that starts next week has an online component that is open now!  If you want order books online it helps our school just as much as buying books in person.  Here is the link to the online book fair.

Curriculum Overview

Science - We have started our first Project Lead The Way (PLTW) module on structure and function.  Structure refers to the way something is built, including shape, size, and the way the different parts work together (for example, a chair has four legs, a seat, and a back).  Function is what something does or is intended to do (the function of a chair is to give people a place to sit).  More information to come as this module gets going.

Reading - This week we will begin reading books and stories, both fiction and non-fiction, to support our Project Lead The Way unit on structure and function.  This week students will read Jack and Beanstalk, examine the structure of a beanstalk, and see if we can make a model of a beanstalk that can hold up a golden egg.

Writing - We are writing and reflecting about our experience at Expo, what parts of our presentations we were happy about, and what aspects need more work next time.

Math - We are working with numbers up to 30.  We want all students to understand how our numeral system works and how numbers build on groups of tens.  We will also try to iron out any reversals we have when we write numbers.

Word Study - This week we are learning how to read and write simple 3 letter words.  This week we will look at the -it word family.

We now have Ms. Maier back in our classroom every day!

Monday, November 14, 2016

STEAM EXPO This Thursday!

Students from the other kindergarten classes came to our class to share what they learned about the different adults that work at STEAM.
STEAM EXPO Is This Thursday!
Here is the schedule for the night:

5:30 PM - 6:00 PM   Grades K, 3, and 6 Present
6:00 PM - 6:15 PM     Transition Break
6:15 PM - 6:45 PM   Grades 1, 4, and 7 Present
6:45 PM - 7:00 PM    Transition Break
7:00 PM - 7:30 PM     Grades 2, 5, and 8 Present

Kindergarten will be presenting the learning we have done interviewing all the adults at STEAM and practicing ways to be safe and respectful at school.  Room K-3 students need to be in our classroom as presenters from 5:30 PM to 6:00 PM.  Check out the STEAM Expo promotional video.

How Should Students Dress For STEAM Expo?
The goal for our STEAM Expo is to have all students dress up and look nice.  Students are presenting the learning they have done and we want them to feel the importance of the night.  After school on Thursday, have your students change into dressier clothes but don’t feel like you need to be super fancy; a nice pair of slacks, a collared shirt, blouse, or dress etc. are all good choices.

Thank you so much for meeting with me last week.  It was really a pleasure talking to you all.  Thank you for taking the time out of your schedule to fit into those available days.

Curriculum Overview
STEAM Project - This week we are getting ready to present what we have studied and created at our STEAM Expo this Thursday, November 17th.

Reading - This week we will begin reading books and stories, both fiction and non-fiction, to support our Project Lead The Way unit on structure and function.  You will be able to see some of our work during the STEAM Expo.

Writing - We are practicing taking what we have learned about letter sounds and syllables and using that to sound out and write simple words.

Math - This week we will study different way to represent numbers.

Word Study - This week we are learning how to read a write simple 3 letter words.  You may have seen some work with the -at family come home last week (cat, hat, rat, mat, bat).

Monday, November 7, 2016

No School Tomorrow on Election Day

Students loved the October 31st reading party we had last Monday.  Thank you so much to our room parent for setting it up and all of the volunteer readers.

No School Tomorrow
Tomorrow, Tuesday, November 8th is Election Day.  There will be no school tomorrow.

We are preparing for our STEAM Expo where we will showcase what we have learned about the A2STEAM community.  On Thursday, November 17th at 5:30 PM the school will come together to share all of our learning across all of the grades.  I will post the full schedule for the night next week.

Volunteer with the PTSO
The A2STEAM Parent Teacher Organization is looking for volunteers in a lot of different areas.  Check out this document to see where you can help.


We are collecting shoeboxes for an engineering project we are planning.  If you have any please send in to our classroom.

Parent Teacher Conferences
I look forward to seeing you this week.  Here is the link to conferences I have scheduled.

Curriculum Overview
STEAM Project - Last week the students and I created photos and video clips demonstrating how to be safe and responsible in the lunchroom.  This week we are getting ready to present what we have studied and created at our STEAM Expo scheduled for Thursday, November 17th.

Reading - This week we will begin reading stories to support our Project Lead The Way unit on structure and function--more information to come.

Writing - We are practicing taking what we have learned about letter sounds and syllables and using that to sound out and write simple words.

Math - This week we will study different way to represent numbers.

Word Study - This week we will practice quickly hearing and identifying the beginning sound in words.

Monday, October 31, 2016

Acts of Kindness

Principal Fitzgibbon spoke last week at the building dedication ceremony.
Have a good time tonight!

Acts of Kindness
As part of our study of the A2STEAM community we have been learning about and practicing acts of kindness in class.  Compliments, helpful actions, greetings--I have challenged students to complete acts of kindness both at school and at home.  In the photo below you can see some of the actions that we have been recognizing in class.  At home I've been encouraging students to do things like help set the table, get ready for bed independently, or play patiently with a younger sibling.  Ask your students what acts of kindness they have done today.  You can also ask them about the book Kindness is Cooler Ms. Ruler, you might even see if you can find that book at the Ann Arbor Public Library.

Seesaw Learning Portfolio
As I wrote last week A2STEAM has been using an app called Seesaw in the primary grades to create a digital portfolio of some of the work students do here at school.  A flyer showing you how to access your child’s work went home last week and again today.  When you access your child’s portfolio you will see photos of work they have done at school.  All of the photos and videos are taken by students so some things end up slightly blurry.  Some of the first items you will see reflect our current study of all the people at STEAM.  Items tagged with blue were created in Room K-3.  You will also see work tagged yellow from students' time with Mrs. Reader in the Media Center, as well as items tagged pink from Sr. Steuer’s Spanish class.

I look forward to seeing you next week.  You can review your times here.

Curriculum Overview
STEAM Project - Last week the students and I created photos and video clips demonstrating how to be safe and responsible in the classroom.  On Friday, Officer Hickey visited our class to talk about the importance of being safe in and out of school.  This week all three K classes will be coming together to present what we learned about the different adults here at STEAM.

Reading - This week students will be identifying the characters and setting of fiction books.  We've also had some great discussions around the problems that characters face in a fiction book, how they build and build and are resolved as the book ends.  Ask your children about Curious George Rides a Bike, the problems that George got into, and how things were able to work out okay in the end. 

Writing - Students have been practicing putting spaces in between the words they write.  This week we are also study ending punctuation.

Math - This week we will study and practice all the different ways to break apart ten (i.e. 5 + 5 = 10, 4 + 6 = 10, 3 + 7 = 10, 2 + 8 = 10, 1 + 9 = 10)

Word Study - This week we will finish our study of hearing and counting syllables in words. We will also begin practicing hearing the first sound in words.

Some of the acts of kindness we have experienced in class.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Building Dedication Ceremony This Wednesday

More pictures of kids during partnership reading.
October 31st Family Read-In
Please join us on October 31st for a Room K-3 family read-in at 2:20 PM!  Students and parents will read non-fiction books about pumpkins, non-fiction books about autumn, some 'scary' stories, and some Halloween stories.  If you would like to join us and read to a small group of kids please email our Room K-3 Room Parent at the email address I provided over email.  I have a lot of books to share but if you would like to bring a not-too-long favorite from home let our Room Parent know.  If you do not want to read but still want to join us you are welcome to!  Younger siblings are welcome to come as well.

No Costumes on Halloween Please
For families new to Ann Arbor STEAM please be advised that students do not wear costumes to school on Halloween.  Also, please do not send in any food or sweets, save that for trick-or-treating later in the evening.

Warm Clothes
That cold weather last Friday caught me by surprise.  We go out to recess every morning around 9:30 AM before the sun completely comes up.  Make sure your kids have clothes, jackets, and shoes that can keep them warm inside and out.

Half Day For Students This Wednesday
This Wednesday, October 26th, will be a half day for students.  Students will be dismissed at 10:50 AM.

No School On Election Day
On Tuesday, November 8th, all Ann Arbor schools will be closed so they can be used as voting locations.  There will be no school on Tuesday, November 8th.

Ribbon Cutting & Dedication Ceremony
A2STEAM will be hosting a Ribbon Cutting & Dedication Ceremony to celebrate the final phase of construction being completed.  The ceremony is planned for Wednesday, October 26th from 4:30 - 5:00 PM.  I attached an invitation to my weekly email.  Wednesday will also be a half day for students, for unrelated reasons.  Students will be dismissed this Wednesday at 10:50 AM.

Seesaw Learning Portfolio
A2STEAM has been using an app called Seesaw in the primary grades to create a digital portfolio of some of the work students do here at school.  A flyer showing you how to access your child’s work will go home in student folders on Tuesday.  When you access your child’s portfolio you will see many photos of work they have done at school.  All of the photos and videos are taken by students so some things end up slightly blurry.  Some of the first items you will see reflect our current study of all the people at STEAM.  Items tagged with blue were created in Room K-3.  You will also see work tagged yellow from students' time with Mrs. Reader in the Media Center, as well as items tagged pink from Sr. Steuer’s Spanish class.

Mr. Luxon Out on Monday
I was not in school today.  Ms. Guck a visiting teacher taught in my absence.  I will be back on Tuesday 10/25.

Curriculum Overview
STEAM Project - Last week students made posters illustrating the different roles adults at A2STEAM have.  This week the students and I will create photos and video clips demonstrating how to be safe and responsible in the classroom and in the lunchroom.  On Friday, Officer Hickey will visit our class to talk about the importance of being safe in and out of school. 

Reading - This week students will be identifying the characters and setting of fiction books. 

Writing - Students have been practicing the steps necessary to capture and communicate their experiences using drawing and writing.  This week we will do some writing around Fall.

Math - This week we will study and practice all the different ways to break apart ten (i.e. 5 + 5 = 10, 4 + 6 = 10, 3 + 7 = 10, 2 + 8 = 10, 1 + 9 = 10)

Word Study - This week we will practice hearing and counting syllables in words, including our names.  We will also practice hearing the first sound in words.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Partnership Reading

Students in Room K-3 read in partnerships, more photos in the class photo gallery.
Supporting Education A2 STEAM @ Northside Annual Drive
Donate some money to the PTSO, it really helps our school and directly benefits Room K-3 students!  You can visit the PTSO website for more information.

Ribbon Cutting & Dedication Ceremony
Construction crews have been working late into the night in Room K-3 finishing up some loose ends in the classroom.  The have added shelves to the closets, touched up the paint, and more.  We will be hosting a Ribbon Cutting & Dedication Ceremony for all of A2 STEAM on October 26th from 4:15 - 5:00 PM.  I don't have a lot of the details yet, but I wanted to let you know about it.  That day will also be a half day for students, for unrelated reasons.  Students will be dismissed that Wednesday at 10:50 AM.

Half Day For Students Next Week
Next Wednesday, October 26th, will be a half day for students.  Students will be dismissed at 10:50 AM.

A2gether Fall Family Fun Night
The PTO Fall Family Fun Night is this Friday from 6:30 - 8:00 PM.  More information can be found here.

Box Tops for Education
We are having a school-wide Box Tops For Education collection contest.  If you find any box top cut-outs on your groceries please bring them in.  If possible put them in a plastic bag and write "Mr. Luxon, Room K-3” on the outside.

Curriculum Overview
STEAM Project - Students have been interviewing and photographing the adults at STEAM.  Ask your kids about Mr. Broom , Ms. Burke, Sr. Steuer, and Mrs. Layla.  After each interview we create posters.  I will post some photos of them next week.  Our overall goal is for students to learn about all the people at STEAM and demonstrate how to create a safe, respectful, and responsible school community.

Reading - This week students will be identifying the characters and setting of fiction books.  Ask your students about Big Al, Tikki Tikki Tembo, The Snowy Day, and Library Lion.

Writing - Students have been practicing the steps necessary to capture and communicate their experiences using drawing and writing.  They will also write about the adults at STEAM for our current project.

Math - This week we will looking at different ways to sort and classify objects.  Ask your student about the shoe sort we did today.

Word Study - This week we practice hearing and counting syllables in words.

Be on the lookout for these.

Monday, October 10, 2016

STEAM PTSO Launches Annual Fundraising Drive

Students used their iPads to help them with their self portraits.
Supporting Education A2 STEAM @ Northside Annual Drive
The A2STEAM PTSO has started our school's annual fundraising drive.  The goal is to raise money to help the school fund field trips, student projects, and classroom projects.  The PTSO is a great support to the work we do at STEAM.  If you can help an informational sheet and collection envelope went home last week.  You can also visit the PTSO website for more information.

Walk To School Day
Walk to School Day is this Thursday, October 13th!  This is a great day to get some family exercise first thing in the morning.  This flyer has more information.  Even if you live far away there are drop-off locations that you can walk from.

Box Tops for Education
We are having a school-wide Box Tops For Education collection contest.  If you find any box top cut-outs on your groceries please bring them in.  If possible put them in a plastic bag and write "Mr. Luxon, Room K-3” on the outside.

Photo Gallery
There are many new photos in our classroom photo gallery this week, I sent the username and password to you via email.

Principal Fitzgibbon's Blog
I wrote this last week but I wanted to share it again.  Principal Fitzgibbon has her own blog where she shares information about the school.  You can view it here.  It is also permanently linked on the right side of this website. 

Parent Teacher Conferences
Please sign up for a Parent Teacher conference.  A2STEAM is hosting conferences on Monday November 7th, I also have additional slots open on Thursday the 10th and Friday the 11th.  If you haven't already, please sign up for a time slot here.

Curriculum Overview
STEAM Project - Students have been 'interviewing' the adults at STEAM.  Ask your kids about Mrs. Patterson, Mrs. Dutton, and Mrs. Reader.  Our overall goal is for students to learn about all the people at STEAM and demonstrate how to create a safe, respectful, and responsible school community. 

Reading - This week students will be identifying the characters in fiction books, including understanding which character would be considered the main character.  We will also begin discussing the setting of each book.  These are things you can do when you read at home as well.

Writing - Students have been practicing the steps necessary to capture and communicate their experiences using drawing and writing.  They will also write about the adults at STEAM for our current project.

Math - This week we will be exploring simple addition and subtraction.

Word Study - This week we practice hearing and counting syllables in words.

Last week at recess students tried out these stilts!

Monday, October 3, 2016

Please Sign Up for Fall Conferences

Students created posters to teach the class about themselves and their interests.
Principal Fitzgibbon's Blog
I wanted you to know that Principal Fitzgibbon has her own blog where she shares information about the school.  You can view it at  It is also permanently linked on the right side of this website. 

Parent Teacher Conferences
Last Wednesday I sent out a link where you can sign up for parent teacher conferences.  A2STEAM is hosting conferences on Monday, November 7th, I also have additional slots open on Thursday the 10th and Friday the 11th.  If you haven't already, please sign up for a time slot here.

Curriculum Overview

STEAM Project - As you can see in the photo above last week students created posters to teach the rest of the class about who they are.  We also reviewed the family photos you sent in to help each student tell their story a little bit more.  This week students will begin going out into to the school to photograph and 'interview' adults at STEAM like Principal Fitzgibbon, Assistant Principal Broom, and the different special areas teachers.  We will take their photos and make them posters as well.  Our overall goal is for students to learn about all the people at STEAM and demonstrate how to create a safe, respectful, and responsible school community. 

Reading - This week students will beginning identifying the characters in fiction books, including understanding which character would be considered the main character.

Writing - Students have been practicing the steps necessary to capture and communicate their experiences using drawing and writing.  They will also write about the adults at STEAM for our current project.

Math - Our focus this week is learning to recognize and describe two-dimensional shapes and understanding what attributes define squares, rectangles, triangles, and circles.

Word Study - This week we will study the spelling of our names and look similarities in our names like matching beginning sounds and spelling patterns.

Monday, August 1, 2016

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Final Week of School

Room K-3 students enjoy the bouncy castle obstacle course at the Ice Social Super Party.
It's been a great year, thanks for all your help.

This Friday is a Half Day
This Friday, June 17th is the last day of school.  It is a half day, students will be dismissed at 10:50 AM.

Report Cards Go Home on Friday
This Friday report cards will go home with students in the manila envelope.  I will also send home a large brown portfolio of school work on Wednesday or Thursday.

Curriculum Overview
Science/Social Studies - We are studying and mapping the neighborhood here in Northside.  Students built small models of the homes and apartments to create a 3D representation of our neighborhood.  We also built a model of A2 STEAM, the Kroger Shopping center, and Leslie Science Center to add to our map.

Math - We are becoming more fluent with our addition and subtraction math facts including problems that have more than one step or addend.

Literacy - We have been enjoying some books by author Chris Van Allsburg.  Ask your students about Two Bad Ants and The Sweetest Fig.

Writing - This week I hope to have students write about the 3D map we create.

Word Study - We are studying synonyms and antonyms.

Monday, June 6, 2016

Ice Cream Social is this Friday, June 10th

Students build models of their homes to put on our 3D Map.

Blue and Clear Home Reading Bags
Many students have already returned their blue and clear home reading bags to me.  If you haven't yet please send those bags back so I can use the books again next year.  Also, if you see a book from our Media Center around your home get it back to Ms. Reader so she can get the library in order.

A2STEAM Ice Cream Social is Friday, June 10, 6-8pm!
Mark your calendars for the super-fun annual Ice Cream Social--with FREE games, petting zoo, bounce-houses, and other events!
  • We’re planning another Cake Walk this year. Sign up to donate baked goods that are free of peanuts and tree nuts by clicking here and scrolling past the volunteer sign up. Homemade or store bought is okay.
  • Healthy food options are encouraged as a potluck. Click here and scroll through the volunteer sign up to get to Fresh Fruit/Veggies and sign up.
  • This event can't be pulled off without a lot of volunteer help, so please click here to sign up. If you are interested in taking on one of the short volunteer shifts as a Celebrity Volunteer, please use this LINK to sign up.
Curriculum Overview
Science/Social Studies - We are studying and mapping the neighborhood here in Northside.  Students will build small models of the homes and apartments where they live to create a 3D representation of our neighborhood.  We will also build a model of A2 STEAM, the Kroger Shopping center, and Leslie Science Center to add to our map.

Math - As part of our 3D mapping we are reviewing 3 dimensional shapes and figures as well as becoming more fluent with our addition and subtraction math facts including problems that have more than one step or addend.

Literacy - We have been reading non-fiction books about neighborhoods as well as enjoying some books by author Chris Van Allsburg.

Writing - Students are writing and drawing about their favorite spot in their neighborhood.  We are also finishing up some writing in Seesaw that needs final revisions.

Word Study - We are finishing our study the qu- and tw- bends.  Words like queen, quick, twin, and twist.  We will also be reviewing synonyms and antonyms.

Monday, May 30, 2016

Wind Energy Family Night Is Tonight!

The Wind Energy Family Night is tonight!
Wind Energy Night Tuesday 5/31
The Ann Arbor Hands On Museum is hosting a Wind Energy Night tonight, Tuesday, May 31st.  It will be similar to the tech night they hosted in the fall which was a lot of fun. Volunteers are needed!  More information can be found here.

Kindergarten and First Grade Potluck
There is a kindergarten and first grade potluck scheduled for Sunday, June 5th from 12:00 to 2:00 PM.  More information can be found here.  I mentioned last week that I planned on attending the first hour with my son though he’s been a little under the weather lately so it may just be me.

Thanks Again For the FUN RUN Donations
We met and exceeded our goal of $20,000! Our final total was $21,227!

A2STEAM Ice Cream Social is Friday, June 10, 6-8pm!
Come to the super-fun annual Ice Cream Social--with FREE games, petting zoo, bounce-houses, and other events. We'll have Washtenaw Dairy ice cream and pizza--available by the slice or whole-pizza pre-orders (use the order form sent out by the PTO). Food items will involve a small cost. This event can't be pulled off without a lot of volunteer help--please sign up using this LINK if you can help on the day of the event. Questions? Contact Ellen Fischer:

Curriculum Overview
Science/Social Studies - We are studying and mapping the neighborhood here in Northside.  Students will build small models of the homes and apartments where they live to create a 3D representation of our neighborhood.

Math - As part of our 3D mapping we are reviewing 3 dimensional shapes and figures as well as becoming more fluent with our addition and subtraction math facts.  We are also revisiting fractions.

Literacy - We have been reading non-fiction books about neighborhoods as well as enjoying some books by author Chris Van Allsburg.

Writing - Students are writing and drawing about their favorite spot in their neighborhood.

Word Study - We are studying the qu- and tw- bends.  Words like queen, quick, twin, and twist.

Room K-3 students sign each other’s shirts at the fun run.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Fun Run Was A Lot of Fun!

Room K-3 students ran their hearts out.
Wind Energy Night Tuesday 5/31
The Ann Arbor Hands On Museum is hosting a Wind Energy Night next Tuesday, May 31st.  It will be similar to the tech night they hosted in the fall which was a lot of fun.  More information can be found in this document.

Fun Run Was A lot Of Fun
Thank you for donating, and for coming to participate.  It was a fun time and the students really, really enjoyed themselves. More pictures are up in the photo gallery.

Kindergarten and First Grade Potluck

There is a kindergarten and first grade potluck scheduled for Sunday, June 5th from 12:00 to 2:00 PM.  I plan on attending the first hour with my son before his nap.  More information can be found here.

NWEA Reading
We are taking the reading portion of the NWEA assessment this week on Monday, May 23rd and Tuesday, May 24th.  We will also have extra time on Friday, May 27th as necessary.  Make sure students get a good night's sleep on Monday and Thursday of this week. 

No School on Monday
In observance of Memorial Day we will not have school on Monday, May 30th.

Curriculum Overview
Science/Social Studies - This week we are being a unit to help students better understand where they are in the world.  We will start by studying and mapping the neighborhood here in Northside.

Math - This week we will study the more complicated 2D quadrilaterals like the rhombus and trapezoid.  We will also learn about the meaning of the prefixes tri- (triangle, tricycle, triple) and quad- (quadrilateral)

Literacy - We are reading books by author Kevin Henkes and exploring the emotions of the characters depicted in those books.  Ask your child about Lily's Purple Plastic Purse.

Writing - Last week we began some writing about the characters in the books we have read by Kevin Henkes.  This week we are learning to edit our writing to check for proper capitalization, and to add additional details.

Word Study - This week we are studying plural words, what they are and how they are formed.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Fun Run is This Friday!

Last week students worked in collaborative groups to build casts to heal a fractured bone.
Fun Run is this Friday!
Don’t forget!  The A2STEAM PTO is hosting the annual Fun Run fundraiser this Friday, May 20th. Our class has already raised $300 in one week alone!  Thank you for helping our school any way you can.

As I wrote last week, you can learn more about the Fun Run by watching this online slideshow, and this video.  The money we raise helps us pay for the costs of field trips, expos, and more.  After you watch those videos you can use this link if you want to donate online.

If you want to donate by cash or check, use the form that went last week or print another copy.  Thank you so much for your consideration, every donation really helps our school.

NWEA Reading Assessment
We are taking the reading portion of the NWEA assessment next week on Monday, May 23rd and Tuesday, May 24th.  Make sure students get a good night's sleep on Sunday and Monday of that week.  All students worked really hard and did really well last week when we took the math portion.

Curriculum Overview
Science - Last week students worked in collaborative groups to build casts to heal a fractured bone.

Math - This week we will study the more complicated 2D quadrilaterals like the rhombus and trapezoid.  We will also look at simple word problems that can be solved with repeated addition (simple multiplication).

Literacy - We are reading books by author Kevin Henkes and exploring the emotions of the characters depicted in those books.  Ask your child about Lily's Purple Plastic Purse.

Writing - Students have been writing about what they have learned about the human body.  Some of that writing is on Seesaw!  We we also completing some writing in Seesaw this week about the characters in the books we have read by Kevin Henkes.

Word Study - This week we are studying sh-, ch-, wh-, and th- words.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Using Seesaw to Create Writing Pieces

A student completes a writing assignment about the bone structure of our hands using Seesaw.
Fun Run!
The A2STEAM Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is hosting the annual Fun Run fundraiser on Friday, May 20th. That's next week!  A pledge sheet went home today in every student's red folder.  You can learn more by watching this online slideshow, as well as this video.  The money we raise helps us pay for the costs of field trips, expos, and more.  After you watch those videos you can use this link if you want to donate online

If you want to donate by cash or check, use the form that went home today or print another copy.  Thank you so much for your consideration, every donation really helps our school.

Blue Book Bags

Send in your child’s blue and clear book bag so I can send out new books to read at home!

I’m sorry that the May homework packet did not go home last week, it went home today.  I modified it to reduce the number of assignments and included an open-ended writing assignment as well.  Complete instructions went home today in the red homework folders.  Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Mr. Luxon Not in Class on Tuesday
Tomorrow, May 10th, I will not be in Room K-3.  I will be at school, but I will be in a meeting with other teachers.  A visiting teacher will be teaching in my absence.  Our classroom aide, Mrs. Meyers, will be here too.

As I wrote last week, we are taking the math portion of the NWEA assessment on Monday and Wednesday of this week.  Make sure students get a good night's sleep on Tuesday night.

We have a lot of birthdays this month. Remember, at A2STEAM we cannot celebrate birthdays with food.  If you want to send in a simple gift for every student that is fine, but we cannot bring in food for birthdays.

Curriculum Overview
Science - We are in the middle of our unit on the human body.  Students have been learning about bones, muscles, and the brain.  Last week we studied the structure of the hand and why it is so advantageous to have multiple bones and joints in our hand.  This week students will build a cast to help broken bones heal.

Math - This week we will study how to measure the volume of different containers.  We will also use a balance to find the weight of objects.

Literacy - We are reading books about the human body to support the learning of our Project Lead The Way unit on the structure and function of the human body.

Writing - Students have been writing about what they have learned about the human body.  Some of that writing is on Seesaw!

Word Study - This week we are studying sh-, ch-, wh-, and th- words.

Teacher appreciation week was amazing, thank you!

Monday, May 2, 2016

Studying the Brain

A neurologist (and parent of a Room K-3 student) came to our class to teach us about the brain and how it interacts with the rest of the body.
Schools Closed Tomorrow for a Special Election
Ann Arbor Schools will be closed tomorrow, Tuesday, May 3rd.  The city is holding a vote on a Special Education Millage Proposal.  AAPS encourages all district families to participate and vote.  More information about the proposal can be found here.

Next week students will take the math portion of their NWEA end-of-year exam.  They will have time to complete the exam on Monday, May 9th and Wednesday, May 11th.  The students will take the exam on the computer.  It is a visual test and the questions will be read out loud to students through the computer.  Make sure your children get a good night sleep on Sunday and Wednesday night.  Also, make sure they know that this is an assessment not a game and they should do their best--sometimes the computer format makes it seem like a game.  They also can take as much time as they need, if they do not finish on our given days additional time will be provided.

Seesaw Learning Portfolio
As I mentioned last week, A2 STEAM has been using an app called Seesaw in the primary grades to create a digital portfolio of some of the work we do at school.  A flyer showing you how to access your child’s work went home in student folders last week and again today.  When you access your child’s portfolio you will see many photos and videos going back to the fall.  Items tagged with green were created in Room K-3.  Some of the first items you will see reflect our current study of the human body.  You will also see work tagged pink from Sr. Steuer’s Spanish class.

Blue Book Bags
If you haven’t already, send in your child’s blue book bag so I can send out new books to read at home.

Bike To School Day
Bike to School Day is this Wednesday.

Mr. Luxon Not in Class
On Tuesday, May 10th I will not be in Room K-3.  I will be at school but I will be in a meeting with other teachers.  A visiting teacher will be teaching in my absence.

Curriculum Overview
Science - We are in the middle of our unit on the human body.  Students have been learning about bones, muscles, and the brain.  This week we will focus on the structure of the hand and why it is so advantageous to have multiple bones and joints in our hand.

Math - This week we will do a little bit more work with a ‘function machine’ where one number is inputted and another number is outputted based on a specific rule (like subtract 4).  We will also review place value, addition, and subtraction.

Literacy - We are reading books about the human body to support the learning of our Project Lead The Way unit on the structure and function of the human body.

Writing - Students have been writing about what they have learned about the human body.  Some of that writing is on Seesaw.

Word Study - We are finishing our study of more complex word families as well as some initial consonant blends like pr- tr- and dr-.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Learning About The Human Body

Students created paper diagrams of the human body.
We’ve been learning about the human body in class and it has been really interesting and exciting for both the students and myself.  Ask your students about bones and the parts of the brain!

Schools Closed for Special Election Next Tuesday, May 3rd
Ann Arbor Schools will be closed next Tuesday, May 3rd.  The city is holding a vote on a Special Education Millage Proposal.  AAPS encourages all district families to participate and vote.  More information about the proposal can be found here.

Seesaw Learning Portfolio
A2 STEAM has been using an app called Seesaw in the primary grades to create a digital portfolio of some of the work your student does here at school.  A flyer showing you how to access your child’s work went home in student folders today.  When you access your child’s portfolio you will see many photos and videos going back to the fall.  Items tagged with green were created in Room K-3.  Some of the first items you will see reflect our current study of the human body.  You will also see work tagged pink from Sr. Steuer’s Spanish class.

Blue Book Bags
If you haven’t already, send in your child’s blue book bag so I can send out new books to read at home.  Also, thank you for helping them with their homework each night, I sent the March homework back with notes of encouragement because I really appreciate the work you do at home.

Curriculum Overview
Science - We are in the middle of our unit on the human body.  Students have been learning about bones, muscles, and the brain.

Math - This week we will work with fractions.  I will also introduce students to a function machine where one number is inputed and another number is outputed based on a specific rule.  For example if the function is ‘minus 2’ when you put in the number 10 you get back the number 8.

Literacy - We are reading books about the human body to support the learning of our Project Lead The Way unit on the structure and function of the Human Body. 

Writing - Students have been writing about what they have learned about bones and muscles.

Word Study - This week we will go over some more complex word families and look at how words are spelled with the oo and -ould sounds which can sometimes be confusing.  We will also study some initial consonant blends like pr- tr- and dr-.
Partnership Reading

Monday, April 18, 2016

Great Learning On the Field Trip

On the field trip students took mental images of the bark on different trees.

Parent Input Form
Just a reminder that the A2STEAM online class placement form that went home electronically from the school last week is due this Friday April, 22nd.

Mr. Luxon Absent on Monday
Unfortunately I was not at school today.  I will be back at school on Tuesday.

Field Trip
Thank you so much for getting all the Room K-3 students ready for the field trip last week.  A huge thank you as well to the chaperones.  The trip went well, there are many photos up in the Room K-3 Photo gallery.

Music Informance
Thank you for coming out to Mrs. Huckabone’s Music Informance.  They students were excited to perform for you.  If you have children in the upper grades Ms. Huckabone asked that I pass along this schedule of performances for every grade level.

Curriculum Overview
Science - We are beginning a Project Lead The Way unit on the structure and function of the human body!  Students began assembling a miniature (and simplified) human body on paper last week.

Math - In class this week we will introduce the analog clock and begin learning how to read time.

Literacy - We are reading books about the human body to support the learning of our Project Lead The Way unit on the Human Body.  We will also read a few fiction books to review the feeling of characters and how they change across a text.

Writing - Students are going to be doing some writing around the new Project Lead The Way unit on the Human Body.  Before that begins I want to do some writing about characters and their feelings in fiction books.

Word Study - This week we will go over some more complex word families and look at how words are spelled with the -oo and -ould sounds which can sometimes be confusing.  Words like room, wood, and could.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Field Trip Is This Thursday!

Thank you for attending our Expo!

Important Field Trip Information
We are taking a field trip this Thursday to the Matthaei Botanical Gardens.  The experience will review the work we did for the STEAM Expo around living things.  Here is what you need to know for the trip:

-Students will eat lunch during the trip.  All students must bring a paper bag sack lunch.
-Students will be outside.  All students need to wear warm clothes and closed toed shoes that are good for hiking.
-Students will take a bus to and from the gardens.  We leave around 9:30 and return around 12:45. 

If you have emailed me about chaperoning, thank you!  I will send you an email with more information today.

Music Informance This Friday
This Friday, April 15th our music instructor Ms. Huckabone is hosting a informance for the families of Room K-3 students in her classroom.  Come experience a performance and music lesson simultaneously!  The presentation is from 1:00 PM to 1:30 PM.

Thank you so much for coming to our STEAM Expo.  It was a great having you all come in to celebrate the learning we have been doing here at A2STEAM.  Thank you!

Curriculum Overview
Science - We are beginning a Project Lead The Way unit on the structure and function of the human body!  We started today by exploring the idea of bones and muscles, as well as organs like the lungs, heart, and stomach.

Math - We are studying the US coins, their values, and how to do simple addition and subtraction with money.  As a society we don’t often use coins anymore.  If you can, take a minute, show your student a handful of coins, and review with them the names and values.

Literacy - We are reading books about the human body to support the learning of our Project Lead The Way unit on the Human Body.  We will also read a few fiction books to review the feeling of characters and how they change across a text.

Writing - Students are going to be doing some writing around the new Project Lead The Way unit on the Human Body.  Before that begins I want to do some writing about characters and their feelings in fiction books.

Word Study - This week we are going to review syllables and go over some more complex word families like -ould and -ight words.
The Friday before break Ms. Fitzgibbon helped us wrap up March is Reading Month
by reading Keiko Kasza’s My Lucky Day.  It was also pajama day.
Over the break the plant many of you saw at expo reached through the hole and into the sunlight.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Field Trip Scheduled for After Spring Break

As part of March is Reading Month, 7th grade students came to our classroom to read.  They had prepared questions and discussion topics.
Hello, I hope you enjoyed the spring weather this past weekend, looks like we are in for a rainy week.

AAPS Climate Survey

Ann Arbor Public Schools would like all the parents at Ann Arbor STEAM and across the district to fill out a survey regarding our school's climate. More information and the survey itself can be found here.

STEAM Expo night is scheduled for this Thursday, March 31st from 5:30 - 7:00 PM. A photo with more information can be found at the bottom of this post. A video with more information was in last week's post.

Used Book Sale
The first annual used book sale will be held during the STEAM EXPO.  All items sell for one quarter!

Field Trip
Kindergarten is planning a field trip to the Matthaei Botanical Gardens as culmination of our current unit on living things.  We are scheduling the trip for April 14th from 9 AM to 1 PM.  We will take a bus to the gardens and have a special class taught by the students who work there.  I definitely need parent chaperones, so if you are interested in chaperoning please email me.  Field trip permission slips went home last Thursday.  Most of you sent the permission slips back already.  I know the long weekend was not the best time to send them home, if yours is misplaced, it is no problem, I will send home an additional copies as needed.

Curriculum Overview
Science - In our current Project Based Learning unit we are studying the needs of plants and animals and how plants and animals adapt to, and change their environment to meet those needs.  This week we are preparing for EXPO, reviewing what we have learned, and discussing how humans are animals too.

Math - Students are graphing the data from our PBL plant experiment.  We will also construct 3D shapes using clay and toothpicks.

Literacy - We continue to look at the features of nonfiction texts as we study the needs of living things for our Project Based Learning unit.  Students are learning how to use an index, table of contents, and how to understand captions and sidebars.

Writing - Students are recording their observations of our plant experiment in a journal that tracks changes in the plants over time.

Word Study - We are focused on the words that we need for our current PBL unit: observation, survive, plant, inch, stem, leaf, roots, control group, variable.  And for our study of animals: wild, domestic, mammal, amphibian, insect, carnivore, herbivore, and omnivore.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

What Plants Need To Survive

Students are recording their observations of our plant experiment in a journal to track changes in the plants over time.
This student wrote "The plants look like they have a white flower.  And the flower looks closed."

Our next STEAM Expo night is scheduled for Thursday, March 31st from 5:30 - 7:00 PM.  Here is a video with even more information.

Home Reading Book Bags
Sorry it took me so long to return those book bags last week.  Thanks for reading, sorry I slowed you down last week.

No School This Friday
There is no school this Friday, March 25th.

Letter Writing Paper
You may have noticed students have been writing personal letters to their friends, siblings, and to you!  Here is the paper that I use in Room K-3 to help facilitate this letter writing.  I encourage you to have your child use it at home to write to grandparents, neighbors, favorite aunts and uncles, etc.  Kids love mailing a letter in a mailbox.

Curriculum Overview
Science - In our current Project Based Learning unit we are studying the needs of plants and animals and how plants and animals adapt to and change their environment to meet those needs.  This week we are focusing on how animals change the environment to meet their needs: beavers fell trees to make a lodge for shelter, squirrels dig holes in the ground to store nuts, ants dig tunnels for shelter.

Math - Students are graphing the data from our PBL plant experiment.  We also studied pictographs and line graphs closely.  This week will review bar graphs as well as addition and subtraction.

Literacy - We continue to look at the features of nonfiction texts as we study the needs of living things for our Project Based Learning unit.  Students are learning how to use an index, table of contents, and how to understand captions and sidebars.

Writing - Students are recording their observations of our plant experiment in a journal that tracks changes in the plants over time.

Word Study - We are focused on the words that we need for our current PBL unit: observation, survive, plant, inch, stem, leaf, roots, control group, variable.  And for our study of animals: wild, domestic, mammal, amphibian, insect, carnivore, herbivore, and omnivore.
Students are tracking the height of the plants in our experiment designed to prove that plants need light, water, and air to survive.  This is the no light group.